Hashing in $L^p$ function spaces

Under construction

This section is currently being developed. If you're interested in helping write this section, feel free to open a pull request; otherwise, please check back later.

LSHFunctions supports locality-sensitive hashing over $L^p$ function spaces. In other words, you can hash functions like sin, exp, and f(x) = 5x^3 - 2x^2 - 9x + 1 on a few different similarities. Here's an example using MonteCarloHash over cosine similarity:

julia> using LSHFunctions;

julia> μ() = 2π*rand();   # μ samples a random point from [0,2π]

julia> hashfn = MonteCarloHash(cossim, μ, 3);

julia> hashfn(x -> 5x^3 - 2x^2 - 9x + 1)
3-element BitArray{1}:

LSHFunctions can hash functions in any $L^p_{\mu}(\Omega)$ function space so long as $\Omega$ has finite volume (i.e., as long as $\int_{\Omega} d\mu(x) < +\infty$).

Similarity statistics in function spaces

The LSHFunctions module currently supports hashing for the following similarity statistics in function spaces.

$L_{\mu}^p$ distance

\[\|f - g\|_{L_{\mu}^p} = \left(\int_{\Omega} |f(x) - g(x)|^p \hspace{0.15cm} d\mu(x)\right)^{1/p}\]

Inner product similarity

\[\left\langle f, g\right\rangle_{L_{\mu}^2} = \int_{\Omega} f(x)g(x) \hspace{0.15cm} d\mu(x)\]

When $f$ and $g$ are allowed to take on complex values, $g(x)$ is replaced by $\overline{g(x)}$ (the complex conjugate of $g(x)$) in the formula above.

Cosine similarity

\[\text{cossim}(f,g) = \frac{\left\langle f,g\right\rangle_{L_{\mu}^2}}{\|f\|_{L_{\mu}^2} \cdot \|g\|_{L_{\mu}^2}}\]

Monte Carlo-based hashing

API subject to change

The API for MonteCarloHash is still under heavy design. As a result, the docs below may change radically for future versions of the LSHFunctions package.

Create a hash function for cosine similarity for functions in $L^2([-1,1])$:

julia> μ() = 2*rand()-1;   # μ samples a random point from [-1,1]

julia> hashfn = MonteCarloHash(cossim, μ, 50; volume=2.0);

julia> n_hashes(hashfn)

julia> similarity(hashfn) == cossim

julia> hashtype(hashfn)

Create a hash function for $L^2$ distance in the function space $L^2([0,2\pi])$. Hash the functions f(x) = cos(x) and f(x) = x/(2π) using the returned MonteCarloHash.

julia> μ() = 2π * rand(); # μ samples a random point from [0,2π]

julia> hashfn = MonteCarloHash(L2, μ, 3; volume=2π);

julia> hashfn(cos)
3-element Array{Int32,1}:

julia> hashfn(x -> x/(2π))
3-element Array{Int32,1}:

Create a hash function with a different number of sample points.

julia> μ() = rand();  # μ samples a random point from [0,1]

julia> hashfn = MonteCarloHash(cossim, μ; volume=1.0, n_samples=512);

julia> length(hashfn.sample_points)


  • Shand, William and Becker, Stephen. Locality-sensitive hashing in function spaces. arXiv:2002.03909.